

The Currynomics Foundation, at the behest of its founders, endeavors to nurture an ecosystem of Curries and advocate for their application. This project section will therefore be a dynamic space, shifting its focus not only to cover the development of new Curries (currently, only Redcurry) but also to explore the diverse use cases constructed upon these Curries.

Crucial to the functionality of Curries is the development of robust and practical use cases by independent developers and operators. Curries should not be perceived as standalone products but rather as an infrastructural platform, enabling a multitude of applications to be constructed upon them. The Currynomics Foundation remains committed to keeping a close eye on these developments and promoting them on this platform.

In our journey to foster individual Curries, we aim to venture into the creation of a Meta-Curry in the future. This would comprise various Curries from the ecosystem, forming a digital currency that could potentially experience widespread usage similar to contemporary fiat currencies.

Community Ownership

Beyond the intrinsic functions of Curries as a means of payment and a store of value, and aside from the use cases built upon them, Curries also can fulfill an additional "meta-function". The ownerless, non-profit structure of the Currynomics Foundation, combined with the foundational principle of prioritizing long-term growth and stability over short-term value maximization, forms an ideal setup for owning community-oriented businesses.

While it is not necessary for community-oriented operations such as hospitals or schools to be profitable, (society may even benefit if these are partially or fully government-funded, keeping costs low for individuals), other operations like utility infrastructure (water, electricity, etc.) should ideally be profitable. This profitability ensures continued investment for future improvements and maintenance.

At present, community-critical infrastructure is often entirely owned by government or state bodies, leading to various inefficiencies, and sometimes even providing fertile ground for nepotism and corruption. Conversely, full privatizations often result in an increase in prices and/or a decrease in service quality due to investors' relentless pursuit of profit. This has led to "compromise" solutions involving partial privatizations of such entities, while retaining a substantial public ownership share. However, the drawbacks of public ownership have not entirely disappeared under this arrangement. Additionally, particularly small public infrastructure organizations are often too insignificant to attract capital market interest.

The principles underpinning Currynomics offer an innovative form of ownership for public infrastructure. Such infrastructure would be neither publicly owned nor subject to the profit maximization pressures of private ownership. Political interference could thus be avoided, while ensuring the operation remains profit-oriented and beneficial for the communities. Furthermore, by holding the respective Curries, the public could benefit from the stable operations through possession of a stable-value currency.

The Currynomics Foundation thus welcomes further discussion regarding the potential utilization of the Currynomics principle for ownership of currently publicly-owned operations and infrastructure.

Current and Future Use Cases

For regular updates as we continue to progress and innovate within our Currynomics ecosystem